Physical Therapy After Spine Surgery

As a physical therapist, one of the most challenging patients to work with is someone who has had spinal surgery. Whenever the lumbar or cervical spine has had surgical intervention, a therapist knows
My Experience with the Marathon

A couple of years ago I started running again, purely to get back in shape. Once I got started however, my thoughts turned to the marathon. I had done a lot of training over the summer, signed up fo
First Announcement – Dr. Shah Invited to Lecture at Medical Education Event
On September 28, 2013, our own Dr. Shah has been invited to lecture at the "Mechanism & Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury" symposium hosted by Woods and Beechwood Neurorehab in Philadel
Darren Daulton’s Glioblastoma – Brain Tumor

Former Phillies catcher Darren Daulton’s recent diagnosis of glioblastoma has a lot of people asking questions about this type of tumor. Glioblastoma is a tumor that starts out in the brain itself.
Five Steps to Prevent Lower Back Pain

No matter our age or physical condition, we can all get lower back pain at some point in our lives. A Centers for Disease Control study once found that more than 25% of adults suffered lower back pain
The Keys to Gardening with a Bad Back

5 Principles for Safe, Therapeutic Gardening Many people with a history of a bad back and patients who’ve had spine surgery mistakenly believe that gardening is out of the question. Sometimes docto
Concussion Consensus Conference
As a neurosurgeon and a sports fan, concussions have always been a particular interest to me on a professional and personal level. In early November of last year, the Fourth International Consensus Co
Having Surgery? Then Do Your Homework
When I discuss surgery with my patients, I tell them they have important assignments to complete before the morning we meet in the OR. I assure them I will be ready for the surgery, but I also tell
McLaughlin’s Top Tips for Smart, Safe Snow Sports
Winter is here, and with it the arrival of that trio of exhilarating, exciting and sometimes dangerous sports: skiing, sledding and snowboarding. So whether you’re waiting for the snow to fall in th
Proton Beam Therapy
Depth charges for deep brain and spine tumors By Mark R. McLaughlin, MD, FACS The physicians at Princeton Brain, Spine and Sports Medicine Care want to congratulate our colleagues at Princeton Radiat